Kiersten Anne Bounds was born on June 27th, 2008. She was 7lbs 4oz. She has blue eyes and brown hair. Most people say she looks like Dallin, but I think she also has Maddie's eyes.

Maddie was so excited to have her new baby sister, that she spent the entire day on Saturday at the hospital holding her. She would not leave to go to the mall or the movies with her grandparents. She held her for one stretch that was at least 4 hours, we finally convinced her to take a break when her arm was asleep.

Maddie and Dallin could not wait for their baby sister to be born. They were at the hospital bright and early and were so excited when they heard her lullaby play over the hospital speakers.
Well, she finally came! Kiersten was born on June 27th, 2008. She is absolutely wonderful and her brother and sister love her to death! We feel very blessed to have her.
That is soo cute. I think its so funny you had to tell her to not hold her anymore once her arm was asleep!!! They make great big sisters! What I think is sad is that you cant hear the lullaby or chimes when its your baby, Ive never once heard it for my own kid. congrats on updating the blog too.
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful and I love the name! I need a Maddie.
Glad you updated your blog :) I told Jonny yesterday that if you ever updated your blog, you were definitely going to have to send out an email :)
I'm only making this comment to prove to you that people do care that you update even if it is 3 months late. Kiersten is sure cute and Maddie and Dallin are still great with her. I just wish she would let me feed her.
I am only commenting on this because you said people wouldn't care 3 months later. Kiersten sure is cute, and Maddie and Dallin are still great with her. I just wish she would let me feed her!
Welcome back to the blogging world. Your pictures are adorable. 3 beautiful kids!
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